Monday, October 17, 2011

persiapan MPASI (III)

entah gimana caranya sampe kemaren gue ketemu ini & gue jatuh cinta *ngerongrong papendy setiap hari buat beliin ini, dijawabnya cuma nnt yah abis gajian. ditunggu yah kabarnya semoga beneran abis gajian dibeliin, amien*.....

Avent Combined Steamer and Blender
This is a great product for the transition from weaning to the start of your baby moving onto solids. Easily transportable means its a great gadget for the home or when travelling. Avent is world remowned for their bottle and food products and remain a firm favourite for parents worldwide.transfer of food required!
Yum! Healthy, homemade baby food is now at your fingertips--the Philips AVENT Combined Steamer and Blender is perfect for every stage of weaning. Simply pop the veg in, steam, then turn the jug upside down and blitz. Philips AVENT baby food steamer blender Three blending speeds allow you to serve up age-appropriate meals

Avoid the hassle of purchasing expensive, pre-made jars of mush (let’s face it, some of the food will be thrown back at you anyway!). With the Combined Steamer and Blender, you get the reassurance of knowing exactly what your baby is eating. Philips AVENT baby food steamer blender Even the fussiest eaters will enjoy mealtime

Steam fruit, vegetables, fish or meat
Philips AVENT baby food steamer blender Steam the ingredients, then simply flip over to blend
The AVENT Combined Steamer and Blender is not just for vegetables. You can also use it for steaming fruit, meat and fish--anything that suits your baby’s tastes (or the contents of your fridge). The Steamer and Blender’s efficient steam cycle means that food is cooked perfectly to maintain its original texture, nutrients and cooking liquids.

Includes a recipe booklet
The Steamer and Blender also comes with a booklet of age-appropriate recipes, information on weaning and some helpful advice, to make things easier at home during the weaning process.

Easy to clean and store
The compact design of the Philips AVENT Combined Steamer and Blender makes storage a breeze. Plus, with only a few parts, it’s also simple to clean--an absolute must for busy parents.

The Philips AVENT Combined Steamer and Blender is free of Bisphenol A (BPA).

Product Features :
* 12 age-appropriate recipes
* Easy water filling
* Powerful blending performance
* Retains cooking liquids
* Professional advice
* Steam and flip jar over
* Suitable for sauces and finger food
* Few parts to clean

Box Contains :
* 1 x Steamer/Blender
* 1 x Spatula
* 1 x Measuring cup
* 1 x Recipe booklet

Shipping Weight : 2 Kg

seperti rekomendasi semua orang akhirnya gue beli ini :

Berfungsi untuk menyiapkan makanan bayi. Dilengkapi dengan alat pemeras jeruk, alat penyaring, parutan, alat untuk menghaluskan, sendok dan mangkuk penyimpan.

Segala jenis makanan bayi mulai dari jus buah yang cair hingga makanan padat dapat disiapkan sesuai dengan perkembangan kebutuhan bayi. --- yang ini mah udh dibeli merem aja harganya masih bisa lgs gue bayar dibanding beli avent gue harus ngerongrong suami ;p

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