Saturday, June 25, 2011


Dad, If I Had Three Wishes
on Your Birthday...

I'd make a wish for your health and happiness
and your dreams coming true.
I'd wish that you would be given whatever your heart desires.
And after I was sure that all of these wishes were fulfilled,
I'd make one more wish for you -
the most important one of all...

I'd wish that you'd know
beyond any doubt
that I love you with all my heart,
and I'll always be here for you no matter what
- Poem by Regina Hill

US and the cake

Yeay...THE CAKE!

Sabtu sore...
Janjian ketemuan di JW Marriot Hotel kita mau family dinner di Sailendra. Jam.Stg5 gue udah sampe dan ternyata semua seat full booked, gatau ada acara apaan jadi gue kebagian duduk diluar (view: lobby). Ternyata oh ternyata buffetnya dimulai jam6. Sekian. Gue & ames langsung gundah karena kelaperan ;p hehehe
Begitu udah mau deket-deket jam6 langsung deh meja makannya sepi gue, ames & endyboy lgs cusss mencari sushi+sashimi. Ok sushi+sashimi done. Hmmmph...mata gue mencari roasted beef atau apalah yg berbau daging tetapi gue ngga menemukannya :( yg gue baca itu : kerak telor, sotomie, sop buntut, asinan, sekoteng -_____-' begitu gue baca teliti di pintu masuk ada banner "....dalam rangka menyambut ulangtahun jakarta, bla bla la, makanannya pun berbau JAKARTE!" dddzzzttt......
Tak apalah ttg makanan toh gue tetep makan sampe kenyang juga :D dan pas saatnya tiup lilin, waitressnya memanggilkan penyanyinya org batak gitu yg bawa bass betot segede gue eh segede gaban ;p SENANG MELIHAT PAPAKU BAHAGIA :) *foto menyusul yg di kamera papa* semua tamu yg duduk di luar ikut bernyanyi happy birthday to you.... :')
Kado? Paper bag nautica teronggok saja di meja, dasar si papa mah cuek sama yg begituan, dia lebih fokus sama cucunya yg ikut tiup lilin tahun ini..Alhamdulillah

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Selamatan & Cukurannya Maalik

Maalik Makarim Muhidin
Ngga kerasa yah lil'boss umurnya udh 33hari pas acara cukuran ini. Acaranya sih cuma pengajian aja dan cukur rambutnya maalik seadanya karena sama papanya ngga akan dibotakin rambutnya maalik :)
Jadi setelah pengajian dr temen2nya mami mertua selesai, gue, andy & maalik keliling. Andy sambil bawa kelapa hijau, gunting & mangkok berisi air & bunga 7 rupa.

Is your baby getting enough milk?

Breast-feeding: Is your baby getting enough milk?

If you're breast-feeding, you may wonder whether your baby is getting enough milk. Ask yourself these questions — and know when to seek help.

By Mayo Clinic staff
When you're breast-feeding, you can't measure the amount of milk your baby takes at each feeding — but that's OK. You can watch for reassuring signs that your baby is getting enough to eat.

Cover the basics

When you're breast-feeding, ask yourself these questions:
  • Is my baby gaining weight? Steady weight gain is often the most reliable sign that a baby is getting enough to eat. Although most babies lose weight soon after birth, it's typically regained — and then some — within 10 days to two weeks. Your baby will be weighed at each checkup. If you're concerned about your baby's weight, you may want to schedule more frequent weigh-ins.
  • How often does my baby breast-feed? Most newborns breast-feed eight to 12 times a day — about every two to three hours. By six to eight weeks after birth, your baby will probably begin to go longer between feedings. During growth spurts, your baby may take more at each feeding or want to breast-feed more often. Trust your body's ability to keep up with the increased demand. The more often your baby nurses, the more milk your breasts produce.
  • Can I hear my baby swallowing? If you listen carefully, you'll be able to hear your baby swallowing. Also look for a strong, steady, rhythmic motion in your baby's lower jaw. A small amount of milk may even dribble out of your baby's mouth.
  • How do my breasts feel? When your baby is latched on successfully, you'll feel a gentle pulling sensation on your breast — rather than a pinching or biting sensation on your nipple. Your breasts may feel firm or full before the feeding, and softer or emptier afterward. If breast-feeding hurts, ask your baby's doctor or a lactation consultant for help.
  • What about my baby's diapers? By the fourth day after birth, expect your baby to have six to eight wet diapers a day. Also expect regular bowel movements — often three or more a day. The stool will be dark and sticky for the first couple of days, eventually becoming seedy, loose and golden yellow.
  • Does my baby seem healthy? A baby who seems satisfied after feedings and is alert and active at other times is likely getting enough milk. Also look for a healthy skin tone. 

Trust your instincts

You know your baby best. If you sense something isn't right, contact your baby's doctor — especially if your baby:
  • Isn't gaining weight
  • Isn't wetting six to eight diapers a day or having regular bowel movements
  • Is consistently fussy after feedings
  • Seems sleepy all the time
  • Isn't interested in breast-feeding
  • Spits up forcefully or more than a small amount at a time
Remember, every baby is unique. You may be surprised by your baby's feeding patterns. As long as your baby grows and develops normally, however, you can be sure that you're meeting his or her nutritional needs.

7 tips for pumping success

Breast-feeding is a commitment, but your efforts are worthwhile. If you're pumping, follow these simple tips for maintaining your milk supply — from pumping often to drinking plenty of fluids.

By Mayo Clinic staff
Breast-feeding is based on supply and demand. The more you breast-feed your baby — or pump while you're away from your baby — the more milk your breasts will produce. Consider these seven tips for pumping success.

1. Relax

Stress can hinder your body's natural ability to release breast milk. Find a quiet place to pump. It may help to massage your breasts or use warm compresses. You may want to think about your baby, look at a picture of your baby or listen to relaxing music.

2. Pump often

The more you pump, the more milk you'll produce — especially if you're using a high-quality pump. If you're working full time, try to pump for 15 minutes every few hours during the workday. If you can, pump both breasts simultaneously. It'll save you precious time and may even increase your body's production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production.

3. When you're with your baby, breast-feed on demand

The more you breast-feed your baby when you're together, the greater your supply will be when you pump. Try more frequent evening, early morning or weekend feedings. Pumping after a breast-feeding session can help boost milk supply, too — even if you pump but no milk is produced.

4. Avoid or limit formula feedings

Formula feedings will reduce your baby's demand for breast milk, which will lower your milk production. To maintain your milk supply, it's important to pump anytime your baby has a formula feeding. Remember, the more you breast-feed your baby or pump while you're apart, the more milk you'll produce. It also helps to pump extra milk — either after or between breast-feeding sessions — and freeze it for future use.

5. Drink plenty of fluids

Water, juice and milk can help you stay hydrated, which promotes milk production. Limit soda, coffee and other caffeinated drinks, though. Too much caffeine may lead to irritability or interfere with your baby's sleep. If you choose to have an occasional alcoholic drink, avoid breast-feeding for two hours afterward.

6. Don't smoke

Aside from the well-known dangers of smoking, smoking can reduce your milk supply — and the nicotine in your breast milk may change the taste of the milk and interfere with your baby's sleep. If you smoke, ask your doctor for options to help you quit. In the meantime, avoid smoking just before or during a feeding.

7. Take good care of yourself

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Include physical activity in your daily routine. Sleep when the baby sleeps — and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Also consider your birth control options. Birth control pills that contain estrogen may interfere with milk production. While you're breast-feeding, you may want to use condoms or other forms of birth control.
Breast-feeding is a commitment, and your efforts to maintain your milk supply are commendable. If you're having trouble maintaining your milk supply or you're concerned that you're not producing enough milk, ask your doctor or lactation consultant for other suggestions.